OpenHack – Containers (OHCTS) – Outline

Outline detalhado do curso

Challenge 1: But First, Containers

  • Use Docker to build and run containers locally
  • Push images to Azure Container Registry

Challenge 2: Getting Ready for Orchestration

  • Deploy microservices to a basic Azure Kubernetes Service cluster
  • Get familiar with basic Kubernetes concepts

Challenge 3: To Orchestration and Beyond

  • Use Azure Kubernetes Service to configure and create an RBAC enabled Kubernetes cluster in an existing VNET
  • Use namespaces to logically separate microservices
  • Implement Ingress for the application on the cluster

Challenge 4: Putting the Pieces Together

  • Deploy containers from Challenge 1 to the Kubernetes cluster with proper RBAC configurations
  • Manage and secure secrets with Azure Key Vault

Challenge 5: Wait, What’s Happening?

  • Use Azure Monitor to monitor the health of the AKS cluster
  • Create alerts to detect issues

Challenge 6: Locking it Down

  • Improve cluster security using network policies and pod security policies
  • Configure RBAC roles and permissions for the AKS cluster

Challenge 7: Mixed Emotions

  • Add Windows nodes to AKS cluster and deploy a legacy Windows app
  • Use Taints and Tolerations to implement best practices when running mixed workloads in a cluster
  • Upgrade a deployment in the cluster

Challenge 8: Doing More with Service Mesh

  • Use service mesh technology to expand on security and observability