Barracuda NextGen Firewall F Certified Expert (BTN350)


Course Overview

Barracuda Networks offers an extensive 5-day course to partners and customers interested in in-depth technical training on Barracuda CloudGen Firewall-Series.

The course consists of configuration and detailed information on the advanced features of the Barracuda CloudGen Firewall-Series. At the end of the course, participants will have an excellent understanding of the advanced features of the Barracuda CloudGen Firewall-Series.

Participants who successfully pass the examination will also be certified to deploy, maintain, and troubleshoot advanced Barracuda CloudGen Firewall-Series features.

Quem deve participar

This course is open to partners and administrators who regularly work with advanced features of Barracuda CloudGen Firewall-Series.

Pré- requisitos

Participants should possess considerable experience in operating Barracuda CloudGen Firewall-Series products.

Conteúdo do curso

  • Barracuda CloudGen Control Center Admins
  • High Availability
  • IPv6 Configuration
  • VPN Traffic Intelligence
  • Distributed Firewall Environments
  • Firewall Application Control
  • Advanced Threat Detection (ATD)
  • Traffic Shaping (QoS)
  • Advanced Firewall Features
  • Firewall User Awareness
  • Dynamic Routing with OSPF and BGP
  • Troubleshooting

Preços & Delivery methods

Treinamento online

5 dias

  • Solicitar orçamento
Classroom training

5 dias

  • Solicitar orçamento


Currently there are no training dates scheduled for this course.