Comparing Values (SCV)


Pré- requisitos

To be successful, students should have a solid understanding of the following:

  • How Splunk works
  • Creating search queries

Objetivos do Curso

  • Using eval to Compare
  • Filtering with where

Conteúdo do curso

This three-hour module is for power users who want to learn how to compare field values using eval functions and eval expressions. Topics will focus on using the comparison and conditional functions of the eval command, and using eval expressions with the field format and where commands.

Preços & Delivery methods

Treinamento online

3 horas

  • Solicitar orçamento
Classroom training

3 horas

  • Solicitar orçamento

Click on town name or "Online Training" to book Agenda

This is a FLEX course, which is delivered both virtually and in the classroom.


Este é um curso FLEX. Milano Inscrever
Treinamento online Fuso horário: Europe/Rome Inscrever