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Curso Fundamentals Gratis + Examen gratis + 10% de descuento en todo el path

Esta es su oportunidad de obtener cursos oficiales de fundamentos de Google Cloud por medio de Fast Lane, líder mundial en capacitación y partner oficial de Google. Inicie su ruta de certificación con un 10 % de descuento, incluido el voucher de examen.

A continuación los TERMINOS Y CONDICIONES y todos los cursos seleccionados, al elegir su jornada complete el formulario al final de la página o contacte con nuestro equipo de ventas. Si desea conocer más sobre ellos, sólo debe hacer clic en el nombre del curso para ver toda la información al respecto.



Cloud Admin, Cloud Engineer

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure (GCF-CI)

Architecting with Google Compute Engine (AGCE)

Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine (GCP-GSGKE)

Preparing for the Associate Cloud Engineer Examination (PPACE)

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Big Data and Machine Learning (GCF-BDM)



Cloud Admin, Cloud Architect

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure (GCF-CI)

Architecting with Google Compute Engine (AGCE)

Architecting with Google Cloud: Design and Process (AGCP-DP)

Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine (GCP-GSGKE)

Preparing for the Professional Cloud Architect Examination (PPCAE)

Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine (AGKE)


Network Engineer

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure (GCF-CI)

Networking in Google Cloud Platform (NGCP)

!Preparing for Your Professional Cloud Network Engineer Journey (PYPCNEJ)


Security Engineer

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure (GCF-CI)

Networking in Google Cloud Platform (NGCP)

Security in Google Cloud (SGCP-3D)


DevOps Engineer

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure (GCF-CI)


Architecting with Google Cloud: Design and Process (AGCP-DP)

Logging, Monitoring, and Observability in Google Cloud (LMOGC)


Cloud Developer

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure (GCF-CI)

Developing Applications with Google Cloud (DAGCP)

Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine (GCP-GSGKE)

Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine (AGKE)


Data Analyst

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Big Data and Machine Learning (GCF-BDM)

From Data to Insights with Google Cloud Platform (DIGCP)

Developing Data Models with LookML (DDMLML)

Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Looker (AVDL)


Data Engineer

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Big Data and Machine Learning (GCF-BDM)

Data Engineering on Google Cloud Platform (DEGCP)

Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow (SDPF)

Preparing for the Professional Data Engineer Examination (PPDEE)

From Data to Insights with Google Cloud Platform (DIGCP)


Data Scientist / ML Engineer

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Big Data and Machine Learning (GCF-BDM)

Machine Learning on Google Cloud (MLGC)

!Advanced Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform (MLTF)




Hybrid and Multi-cloud Cloud Architect

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure (GCF-CI)

Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine (AGKE)

Architecting Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with Anthos (T-AHYBRID-I)


1. Promoción válida antes del 31 de junio de 2022.

2. Precios válidos para cursos en calendario público y privado de Fast Lane. Grupos mininos de 5 estudiantes. En caso de requerir clases en formato privado, por favor contacte a uno de nuestros ejecutivos para revisar los alcances.

3. El curso de nivel Fundamental será gratuito siempre y cuando se consuma todo el path, de igual manera el descuento podrá aplicarse si se pagan todos los cursos del path.

4. El participante podrá tomar los cursos entre 2022 y 2023 de acuerdo a la disponibilidad que proponga Fast Lane.