Introduction to Responsible AI in Practice (IRAP)


Resumen del Curso

The development of AI has created new opportunities to improve the lives of people around the world, from business to healthcare to education. It has also raised new questions about the best way to build fairness, interpretability, privacy, and safety into these systems.

In this course, you will do a high-level exploration of Google's recommended best practices for responsible AI usage across different areas of focus: Fairness, Interpretability, Privacy and Safety. Along the way, you will learn how you can leverage different open-source tools and tools on Vertex AI to explore these concepts and spend time considering the different challenges that arise with generative AI.

Quién debería asistir

Machine learning practitioners and AI application developers wanting to leverage generative AI in a responsible manner.


To get the most out of this course, participants should have:

  • Familiarity with basic concepts of machine learning
  • Familiarity with basic concepts of generative AI on Google Cloud in Vertex AI

Objetivos del curso

  • Overview of Responsible AI principles and practices
  • Implement processes to check for unfair biases within machine learning models
  • Explore techniques to interpret the behavior of machine learning models in a human-understandable manner
  • Create processes that enforce the privacy of sensitive data in machine learning applications
  • Understand techniques to ensure safety for generative AI-powered applications

Precios & Delivery methods

Entrenamiento en línea

1 día

  • Consulta precio y disponibilidad
Classroom training

1 día

  • Consulta precio y disponibilidad

Click on town name or "Online Training" to book Calendario

Instructor-led Online Training:   Este es un curso en línea Guiado por un Instructor
Este es un curso FLEX, que es entregado tanto virtualmente como en el salón de clase.

Costa Rica

Entrenamiento en línea Zona Horaria: Central Standard Time (CST) Inscripción
Entrenamiento en línea Zona Horaria: Central Standard Time (CST) Inscripción