Fundamentals of IBM Watson Explorer Deep Analytics Edition oneWEX (V12.0.x) (O3201G)


Who should attend

This course is for analysts, developers, and administrators of IBM Watson Explorer Deep Analytics Edition oneWEX.



Course Content

This course is designed to teach students core concepts of IBM Watson Explorer Deep Analytics Edition oneWEX. Students will learn to identify the oneWEX platforms as well as the process flow and data flow of oneWEX projects. Students will explore oneWEX tools, such as Content Miner and the Admin Console, while gaining hands-on experience in data acquisition and enrichment. Finally, students will be exposed to more advanced topics, such as Application Builder, Content Analytics Studio, and API usage.

Precios & Delivery methods

Entrenamiento en línea

2 días

  • Consulta precio y disponibilidad
Classroom training

2 días

  • Consulta precio y disponibilidad


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