Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP)


Resumen del Curso

Operational Excellence in Information Security

Without the right people, no organization is secure. Attacks on organizations’ information assets continue to escalate while attackers refine and improve their tactics. Employers know the best way to combat these assaults star ts with qualified information security staff armed with appropriate practices and controls. That’s where the SSCP comes in. The SSCP cer tification is the ideal credential for those with proven technical skills and practical, hands-on security knowledge in operational IT roles. It provides industr y-leading confirmation of a practitioner’s ability to implement, monitor and administer IT infrastructure in accordance with information security policies and procedures that ensure data confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

The SSCP indicates a practitioner’s technical ability to tackle the operational demands and responsibilities of today’s information security practitioners, including authentication, security testing, intrusion detection/prevention, incident response and recover y, attacks and countermeasures, cr yptography, and much more.

In shor t, SSCPs represent exactly the kind of operational excellence in information security that organizations need to protect their critical data.

Quién debería asistir

SSCPs are instrumental to a variety of job functions and organizations.

  • Network Security Engineer
  • Security Administrator
  • Security Analyst
  • Systems Engineer
  • Network Administrator
  • Systems Administrator
  • Security Specialist
  • Systems/Network Analyst
  • Security Consultant
  • Database Administrator

Objetivos del curso

The SSCP Helps You:

  • Demonstrate proven technical ability gained through hands-on operational experience or technical roles.
  • Confirm your breadth and depth of hands-on technical knowledge expected by employers, including authentication, security testing, intrusion detection/prevention, incident response and recover y, attacks and countermeasures,cryptography, and much more.
  • Bolster your standing and provide a career differentiator, enhancing your credibility and marketability for desirable oppor tunities.
  • Affirm your commitment to the field and ongoing relevancy through continuing professional education and understanding of the most current best practices.
  • As a member of ISC2®, gain access to valuable career resources, such as networking and ideas exchange with peers.

The SSCP Helps Your Employer:

  • Strengthen the organization’s security posture with qualified practitioners who have proven hands-on technical ability to handle day-to-day responsibilities to secure the organization’s data.
  • Increase organizational understanding andimplementation of information security best practices, as indicated by the ISC2 CBK, the premier resource for information security professionals worldwide.
  • Improve information security coherence across the organization with practitioners who speak the same security language across disciplines with cross-depar tment perspective.
  • Increase organizational integrity in the eyes of clients and other stakeholders.
  • Ensure practitioners stay current on emerging and changing technologies as well as security issues related to these technologies through the continuing professional education requirements.

Precios & Delivery methods

Entrenamiento en línea

5 días

  • Consulta precio y disponibilidad
Classroom training

5 días

  • Consulta precio y disponibilidad

Click on town name or "Online Training" to book Calendario

Fecha garantizada:   Fast Lane llevará a cabo todos los cursos garantizados sin importar el número de participantes, excepto por razones de fuerza mayor u otros eventos inesperados, como e.g. accidentes o enfermedad del instructor, que eviten que el curso se realice.
Instructor-led Online Training:   Este es un curso en línea Guiado por un Instructor
Este es un curso FLEX, que es entregado tanto virtualmente como en el salón de clase.



garantizado! Entrenamiento en línea Zona Horaria: Hora central europea Este curso será presentado por un socio Inscripción
Curso FLEX Munich Este curso será presentado por un socio Inscripción
Entrenamiento en línea Zona Horaria: Hora central europea Inscripción