Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting (RH342)


Resumen del Curso

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting course (RH342) provides system administrators with the tools and techniques they need to successfully diagnose, and fix, a variety of potential issues. Students will work through hands-on problems in various subsystems to diagnose and fix common issues.

Quién debería asistir

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting course is aimed at senior system administrators who wish to learn more about troubleshooting.


Este curso es parte de las siguientes Certificaciones:


Red Hat recommends these prerequisites:

  • Have earned a Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) or have similar experience
  • It is recommend that students have earned a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) or have similar experience

Objetivos del curso

Students will learn how to apply the scientific method to a structured form of troubleshooting. This approach is then used troubleshooting various types of problems, including boot issues, hardware issues, storage issues, RPM issues, network issues, third-party application issues, security issues, and kernel issues. At the end of the course students can complete various comprehensive review labs to test their skills.

Course summary
  • Use the scientific method to approach troubleshooting
  • Troubleshoot boot issues
  • Troubleshoot security issues
  • Troubleshoot storage issues
  • Troubleshoot network issues

Contenido del curso

Introduction to troubleshooting

Describe a generalized strategy for troubleshooting.

Take proactive steps to prevent small issues

Prevent small issues from becoming large problems by employing proactive system administration techniques.

Troubleshoot boot issues

Identify and resolve issues that can affect a system's ability to boot.

Identify hardware issues

Identify hardware problems that can affect a system’s ability to operate.

Troubleshoot storage issues

Identify and fix issues related to storage.

Troubleshoot RPM issues

Identify and fix problems in, and using, the package management subsystem.

Troubleshoot network issues

Identify and resolve network connectivity issues.

Troubleshoot application issues

Debug application issues.

Deal with security issues

Identify and fix issues related to security subsystems.

Troubleshoot kernel issues

Identify kernel issues and assist Red Hat Support in resolving kernel issues.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting comprehensive review

Practice and demonstrate knowledge and skills learned in Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting.

Precios & Delivery methods

Entrenamiento en línea

5 días

  • Consulta precio y disponibilidad
Classroom training

4 días

  • Consulta precio y disponibilidad

Presionar el boton sobre el nombre de la ciudad o "Entrenamiento en línea" para reservar Calendario

Fecha garantizada:   Fast Lane llevará a cabo todos los cursos garantizados sin importar el número de participantes, excepto por razones de fuerza mayor u otros eventos inesperados, como e.g. accidentes o enfermedad del instructor, que eviten que el curso se realice.
Instructor-led Online Training:   Este es un curso en línea Guiado por un Instructor


garantizado! Entrenamiento en línea Zona Horaria: Hora central europea de verano Este curso será presentado por un socio Inscripción


Entrenamiento en línea Zona Horaria: Hora central europea Este curso será presentado por un socio Inscripción
Entrenamiento en línea Zona Horaria: Hora central europea de verano Este curso será presentado por un socio Inscripción


Entrenamiento en línea Zona Horaria: Hora central europea de verano Este curso será presentado por un socio Inscripción
Entrenamiento en línea Zona Horaria: Hora central europea de verano Este curso será presentado por un socio Inscripción

Reino Unido

Entrenamiento en línea Zona Horaria: British Summer Time (BST) Este curso será presentado por un socio Inscripción